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Learning Strategies

Common Sense Training in the Field  to Help Geoscientists Make Simple Solutions for Complex Issues

We can provide a wide range of training formats to help students and teams better understand the impacts of faults in groundwater CCS, Rad-Waste, and hydrocarbons. 

Group workshops can bring teams together to consider the role of faults in specific projects. Our favourite is field-based training courses, where we resolve various issues at the outcrop.

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FaultRisk and Stratigraphic 

Trap Analysis for
Oil and Gas Exploration and Appraisal. 

Bringing Geology into Prospect Risk
(3-Day Classroom) 

We are delighted to offer an exciting and engaging training workshop to help general geoscientists understand how hydrocarbons are trapped. The participants will use various hands-on exercises to hone their skills, which will be used to play with a broad set of real-world case studies. Participants will finish with sound structural geologic thinking but, most notably, an appreciation for stratigraphic trapping.

Oil and gas exploration relies on calculating the probability of finding the "right" volume of hydrocarbons before drilling. While technology has a massive impact on this process, risks always need human intervention, in many ways imagining "what could be". Unfortunately, we also bring a range of cognitive biases that can blight an exploration program.

In this training course, students will learn to use a set of easy-to-understand, readily repeatable tools that can be deployed across a whole business unit to help provide clear metrics for pre-drill column height predictions. A critical soft skill that participants will understand is seeing when they might be wrong with their interpretations or predictions—learning to test whether they are working with a pessimistic or optimistic scenario. 

A thorough sequence stratigraphic study is essential to any fault seal analysis and, coincidentally, any assessment of stratigraphic trapping! During the training, students will be introduced to practical techniques for defining seals and then consider flow units (reservoirs and thief zones).

During the training, we will run a prospect-risking project. Students will work up their prospects using a set of real prospects and pitch to each other. We will adjust the prospect risks as new skills are learned through the training. 

Structural-Hydrogeology for
Resource Projects
Southern Highlands
New South Wales
(5-Day Classroom, Core and Field) 

We are excited to offer new training courses in an emerging area of research. The training aims to provide geologists, engineers, and hydrogeologists an intense primer on how structural techniques can better define fault fluid properties for groundwater modelling and environmental impact statements for resource development projects. The course has Three distinct elements of curriculum; 

  1. Use Basin evolution and sequence stratigraphic to define aquitards, aquifers and resources. 

  2. Structural geologic analysis, including tectonics and faulting and folding of basins. 

  3. Iintegrating geologic and hydrogeologic data to asses Causal Pathways.

We recognise that this is a comprehensive set of things to learn, the training is designed for;     

  • Mining and gas company generalists in exploration or appraisal who need to collect data more efficiently to facilitate a future EIS process. 

  • Consultants who are helping their customers deliver EIS and comply with conditional approvals.

  • Government geoscientists work who are making assessments and defining approvals.

Participants are expected to have a background in earth sciences and actively work in the sector. As part of the training, students will re-learn basic geologic ideas. The training will generally cover coal, other ores, and host rocks.

Course Location

The base for the training is a Bowral hotel, a short (1.5-hour car or by train) transfer from Sydney International Airport. This set of outcrops and cores are dominantly in the Triassic Fluvial Hawkesbury Sandstone and marine shales. A vital element of the training is the numerous well-exposed stratigraphic profiles that illustrate the transition from Permian Coal Measures to Triassic aquitards and aquifers. The stratigraphic transects allow for a clear definition of aquitards and may be extended to include examples of Permian Oil Shales. The outcrop has a wide range of contractional (thrust) faults and folds. Most importantly, the training will use our extensive faulted cores library.



This single-company training can be used as part of our integrated prospect review and technology transfer program. Suited for teams of up to 8 people. Miri Sarawak has one of the best set of outcrops in the world for illustrating faults and, in particular, SE-Asia.
•Integrated program  including
–Field work (25% of time )
–Fault seal calibration 
–Prospect risking program
–Peer review skills

Clashach and Lossiemouth Faults,
Moray Firth, Elgin, Scotland

Training is Based at a Scottish Baronial Hotel in Central East Scotland. The faults are in high-permeability Permian and Triassic aeolian sands and basin margin clastic sediments. An extensive set of normal basin-bounding faults demonstrates a fantastic set of intersections and geometries. This location is fantastic for observing detailed fault, fracture, and deformation band architecture in 3D.

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